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Daily Chapel 

The Episcopal Day School is a Christian church school and religion is an integral part of our program. Each school day begins with a Chapel service in accordance with the Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church. Chapel service is led by the rector, school chaplin or director and teachers of the school.  Instruction is based on the messages in the Holy Bible and not on the doctrine of the Episcopal Church. Our students enjoy service from the Rector, Father Isaias Gonzales Ginson from the Church of the Advent, Episcopal

We know parents guide the religious journeys of their own children, so our goal is simply to teach respect for each other regardless of individual differences. Consequently, our students tend to show one another kindness and respect.

Attendance and participation at daily Chapel service is required of all students and faculty. Parents, relatives, and friends are invited to worship at any of the services and/or programs throughout the school year.