6th Grade Program
The 6th grade curriculum is designed to help students acquire a sense of responsibility for their learning and behavior as they are preparing for graduation. They learn organization skills, self -management skills, and how to become independent workers and learners. This helps them prepare and succeed in middle school.
Students receive daily instruction in language arts (reading, writing, spelling, and grammar), mathematics, science and social studies. They also have special classes which include Spanish, Physical Education, Computer Science, Library, Music, Fine Arts, Engineering Design, Electives, and Special Purpose Fridays. Students attend a daily chapel service.
Classes use small group, whole group, and individual instruction when needed. This allows students to learn in different classroom settings. The teacher is able to monitor the students’ progress and work with students who need reinforcement.
Special Events and Activities:
Greek Mythology Unit and Presentation: The 6th graders end the year studying Greek Mythology. When the unit is complete, students present a living wax museum of characters from Greek Mythology complete with their own lairs, costumes, trinkets and presentations.
Episcopal Day School Sunday Service: The 6th grade students lead a service at Church of the Advent, in the fall for Episcopal Day School Sunday. Students are responsible for all aspects of the worship service including the sermon.
Camp Eagle Trip: In the spring, the 6th grade class goes for a week-long adventure at Camp Eagle in Rockspring, TX.
Tea Party: Each year the students enjoy an etiquette lesson and a formal tea during the spring semester.
Reading Buddies: Each 6th grader is paired with a 4K student. Every Friday the children meet and the older students read to the little ones. A very special bond forms between the buddies that helps add to the feeling of family at our school.
6th Grade Talent Show and Storybook Presentation: The 6th graders have two opportunities to showcase their talents during the Spring Semester.
Graduation: The most celebrated event of the year is graduation and the party that follows. We have a Friendship Day fundraiser to help with the cost of graduation.
Touring Middle Schools
9 Months of Smiles